Neil Skinner
15th Oct – Lighting Theatre / 2pm-2:45pm
How to get planning permission for exterior lighting
The exterior lighting of landscape projects is increasingly a stumbling block in the planning process. Neil Skinner, an experienced lighting consultant who works with planning consultants and ecologists to help developers achieve compliance, explains how to stay on the right side of the planners.
Neil Skinner’s experience spans three decades in the lighting industry. From creative beginnings studying Art & Design in his native Newcastle, Neil then completed a BA (Hons) in 3D Design in Sheffield, before moving to London to study the world-renowned MSc Light & Lighting course at UCL. After several years as a product design engineer at Thorn Lighting, Neil moved into Lighting Design in the mid-1990s. He has worked in over twenty countries on projects as diverse as cruise ships, public realm, theaters and bridges. He lives in and runs the business from Oxfordshire, spreading his time between bases in Dublin and Newcastle.