Juliet Sargeant
15 Oct – Inspire Theatre / 2pm – 2:45pm
Finding Support: Funding Your Show Garden
A panel of designers share their experiences on finding and working with RHS show garden sponsors, hosted by RHS corporate partnerships manager Sophia Notghi.
Juliet Sargeant’s Hampton Court Lion King Garden sponsored by Disney Theatres, London, won Best Show Garden, this year and was awarded the RHS Environmental Innovation Award.
Juliet first garnered unprecedented attention for her Modern Slavery Garden in 2016, where she won a Gold Medal and The People’s Choice Award. Juliet is now sought-after, by sponsors, who are looking to make a splash at an RHS Show. Her conceptual approach to show gardens, enables her to weave a narrative that relays the sponsors message, whilst also creating an engaging garden spectacle with intriguing layers on meaning and interest for visitors to enjoy and the media to cover.